A woman with five good qualities
Anuruddha Sutta
Saɱyutta Nikāya – Saḷāyatana Vagga – Mātugāma Saɱyutta – Anuruddha Vagga
Then the Venerable Anuruddha approached the Blessed One… and said to the Blessed One:
“Here, venerable sir, with the divine eye, which is purified and surpasses the human, I see women, with the breakup of the body, after death, being reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world. When a woman possesses how many qualities, venerable sir, is she reborn thus?”
“When, Anuruddha, a woman possesses five qualities, with the breakup of the body, after death, she is reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world. What are the five?
1. She has faith (śraddhā),
2. she has a sense of shame,
3. she is afraid of wrongdoing,
4. she is without anger,
5. she is wise.
When a woman possesses these five qualities she is reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world.”
From the book : ‘The connected discourses of the Buddha’ (Bhikkhu Bodhi)