Verses of Arahant Nuns
In the city of Mantāvatī, the daughter of King Koñca’s chief queen was named Sumedhā. She was confident in the Buddha’s path. She was virtuous and her speech was sweet. She had memorized much Dhamma and was disciplined in the Buddha’s path. One day, she went up to her mother and father and said ….
On one occasion, the nun Subhā was going to the delightful Jīvaka mango garden. Then suddenly a rogue appeared and stood blocking her way. Subhā said this to him: “What wrong have I done to you, that you should stand there blocking my way? It is not fitting, sir, that a man should touch a nun. I deeply respect the Buddha’s path. The Sublime One has taught us about the precepts. I protect those precepts purely. I am taintless. So, why are you standing here blocking me? ….
The city of Pāṭaliputta, which is known as the Kusuma kingdom, is like an ornament for the entire earth. Two nuns who were born into the Sākyan clan possessed good qualities and they were living in that city. One of those nuns was named Isidāsī; the second one was named Bodhī. Both were very virtuous. Both delighted in meditation and ….
Back then, when I was very young, wearing a white dress, I went to listen to the Dhamma. While listening to the Dhamma vigilantly, I obtained the realization of the Noble Truths that day. From then on, I developed non-delight in all sensual pleasures. I was afraid of craving for repeated existence. My only wish was to become a nun. I left my relatives, slaves, and servants, fertile fields and lands. I left all delightful and pleasant possessions ….
[Brāhmin:] Lady, in your previous lives you survived by eating your dead children. You mourned excessively day and night. Brāhmin lady Vāseṭṭhī, having eaten hundreds of your dead children, why don’t you mourn them greatly today ?
[Lady Vāseṭṭhī:] Brāhmin, it is not only me, in your previous lives, you too have eaten hundreds of your children and relatives. But in this life, I have realized the escape from birth and death. Therefore, I do not grieve or cry, nor do I mourn ….
[Upaka:] Formerly, I was an ascetic wandering around with a pot and stick. But now I am a deer hunter. Because of craving, I haven’t been able to cross the swamp of sensual pleasures to reach the far shore.
Chāpā thinks that I am still attracted to her. She is cradling our son. But having cut the bond I had between Cāpā and myself, I will become a monk again ….
[Father:] My dear daughter, you go to sleep praising monks. You wake up praising monks. You always praise the good qualities of monks. Do you also wish to be a nun? You offer abundant food and drink to the monks. Rohiṇī, now I ask you; why do you like those monks so much?
These monks are inactive, they’re lazy, and they live only on what is given by others. They expect things from others and always desire good things. Why do you like these monks so much? ….
In the past my hair was black, like the color of bees, with curly ends. But because of old age, now it is like dried, rotten bark. The words of the truth speaker, the Buddha, aren’t false.
In the past, my hair was fragrant, covered in flowers like a perfumed books. But because of old age, now it smells like a rabbit’s fur. The words of the truth speaker, the Buddha, aren’t false.
I used to comb my hair like a beautiful, neatly planted flowerbed. I used to untangle all knots and decorate my hair with golden pins. But because of old age, now my hair is thinning and falling out. The words of the truth speaker, the Buddha, aren’t false ….
[Maid Puṇṇā:] I am a maid who carries water. Fearing punishment and the insults of my house owner, I have always gone down to the river to get water, even in the coldest of weather. I didn’t want to get blamed for any error. But, Brāhmin, who do you fear that makes you go down to the river every morning and evening? It’s so cold that your body shivers.
[Brāhmin:] Puṇṇā, why do you ask me this when you already know the answer? When I’m at the river, I am washing away evil and performing wholesome deeds. Whoever young or old has committed any evil action is able to be freed from evil by bathing in water ….
The two of us, mother and daughter, were co-wives of the same husband. This situation was shocking to me, unusual, and hair-raising.
A curse on sensual pleasures. They are impure, foul smelling, and cause many troubles. Due to these sensual pleasures a mother and her daughter had to become co-wives of the same husband ….
Arahant Nuns with Single & Two Verses
(The verse of a certain Arahant Nun)
Nun, you made this robe from a rag cloth. You can live very happily wearing it. You were freed from lust just like leaves that were burnt and shrivelled in a pot.
(The verse of Arahant Nun Muttā)
Muttā, you must be freed from Māra, the evil one, like the moon is freed from Rāhu. You must use your alms food with a mind that has been completely freed from defilements and is without debt ….
Arahant Nuns with Three & Four Verses
(The Verses of Arahant Nun Sāmā)
Twenty-five years have passed since I became a nun. During this period my mind has not achieved any meditative happiness at all.
Without self-mastery over the mind, without any unification of the mind, and while recollecting the instructions of the Buddha, I experienced a sense of urgency…..
Arahant Nuns with Five Verses
(The Verses of a certain Arahant Nun)
Twenty-five years have passed since I became a nun. During this whole time, I could not obtain unification of mind, not even for the duration of a finger snap.
Not having obtained any unification of mind I suffered a lot from lust for sensual pleasures. Finally, weeping, with my hands on my head, I went from monastery to monastery…..
Arahant Nuns with Six Verses
(The Verses of five hundred Arahant Nuns)
We don’t know where he came from. We don’t know where he goes to. That being the case, for whom do you cry, saying, “my son”?
But you do not grieve for a person who’s coming and going. The journey of saṁsāra is unknown to you. You realize that this is the nature of all beings ……
Arahant Nuns with Seven to Twelve Verses
(The Verses of Arahant Nun Uttarā)
Taking pestles, people grind grains. Taking care of their families, they find wealth.
Practice the Buddha’s training; having practiced it, one does not regret anything. Wash your feet quickly and sit down quietly …..